For more, take a look at our guides on the best WSP Stinger loadout in MW3, the best MTZ Interceptor loadout in MW3, and the best equipment in MW3. MW3 Best Guns FAQs Which gun does the most damage in MW3? The gun that does the most damage in the MW3 is the KV Inhibitor ...
Borealis: Complete 36 Serpentinite Camo Challenges WSP Stinger Zombie Camos Base Camos and Challenges for WSP Stinger Dead Sands: Get 250 kills Moss Filaments: Get 250 kills with electric damage Lost Transmission: Get 250 hip-fire kills Apocalyptic: Get 250 kills with full attachments...
WSP Stinger: Keep your enemies close with this highly effective, room-clearing SMG with a blazing fire rate. New Melee Weapons Gutter Knife: Standard issue combat knife. Great for quick stealth takedowns. Karambit: A small, curved talon-style blade. Extremely sharp and discreet for fast and de...
Forged(Get 10 kills shortly after ADS) Priceless(Get 10 kills while being out of enemy’s line of sight) Interstellar(Complete 36 Priceless camo challenges) WSP-9 Base camo challenges Golden Poison(Get 50 kills) Shattered Rock(Get 25 hipfire kills) Orange(Get 10 kills while crouching or sli...