MVSEP 可以分离音频中的语音和音乐部分拖放以上传文件 或 浏览文件 远程上传 分离类型 Demucs4 HT (vocals, drums, bass, other) Model type htdemucs (Good Quality, Fast) 输出编码 mp3 (320 kbps) 发布到 示例页 队列中未处理的文件: 20。当前使用 GPU 处理的文件:8 ...
The MVSep Guitar model is based on the MDX23C, Mel Roformer and BSRoformer architectures. The model produces high-quality separation of music into a guitar part (including acoustic and electronic) and everything else. The model was compared with the Demucs4HT model (6 stems) on a guitar va...
MVSEP 可以分离音频中的语音和音乐部分 拖放以上传文件 或 浏览文件远程上传 分离类型 Demucs4 HT (vocals, drums, bass, other) Model type htdemucs_ft (High Quality, Slow)htdemucs (Good Quality, Fast)htdemucs_6s (6 stems, additional piano and guitar) ...