本条新闻由代尔夫特理工大学李梦郁提供 纽约地标说:“我将不再神秘” AT&T大楼将成为纽约地标性建筑 建筑或许没有那么多所谓的思想观念,相反,那些最质朴的感官冲击以及作品本身的历史价值,则会更有直击人心的感动与震撼,这样的建...
An MVRDV-designed library in Tianjin has topped out as part of the city’s Binhai Cultural Centre. The 34,200 square meter (370,000 square foot)...
MVRDV are nearing the completion of a library in Tianjin, China. The 34,200 m2 building forms part of the new Binhai Cultural Centre, the masterplan of which w...
MVRDV’s Tianjin Binhai Library: A Case Study in Visualization Using D5 Render September 30, 2024|Sponsored Content The Tianjin Binhai Library is an iconic building designed byMVRDV, located in the Tianjin Binhai New Area. Its intricate geometry invites exploration through advanced visualization techni...
MVRDV collaborated with local architects TUPDI, on realising Tianjin Binhai Library, one of the most photographed projects of 2017 that was both celebrated and…
Distinct shapes in the facade denote specific functions within the building, such as a communal living room, a library, or a yoga room. “Orange Architects has already been working in Ukraine since the year 2003, when we joined the ‘Architectural Ambulance’ workshop in Kharkiv. The NUVO ...
library programme, a ‘blanket’ of brick is laid over the neighbourhood and the libraries pyramidal heart. The Library sits on top of this with its floors, walls, ceilings and even doors made of the same brick. This consequent materialisation supports the public status of the library by ...
Wuhan Library Hoowave Water Factory Hoowave Water Factory Project Gomila Project Gomila Sea2City Vancouver Sea2City Vancouver Gaîté Montparnasse Gaîté Montparnasse Lyon Part-Dieu Lyon Part-Dieu Ascension Paysagère Ascension Paysagère Radio Hotel and Tower Radio Hotel and Tower Valley Valley Oasis...
LIBRARY AS SOCIAL PLATFORM 第二个跟公共空间相关联的项目是华沙图书馆,这是一个无论从过程还是结果都很有说服力的竞赛。在场地调研的体验中,华沙是个非常商业化的城市,这也成为后来我们所创造的社交图书馆(Social library)的前提背景。 © 网络 我们一开始并没有直接就开始做图书馆,而是在观察当今的图书馆到底...
MVRDVhas won thecompetitionto design two structures within the TianfuSoftwareParkinChengdu,China. One of the structures is a 150-meter-talltowerthat acts as a centerpiece to the entirecampus. The other is a four-story cultural center featuring an art museum, conference hall, library, andexhibition...