I was recently asked by a R user about how one could extract the “rule” in a classification/regression tree. The requirement was to obtain the path traced from the root node to the leaf nodes and obtain all the paths or “rules” path.rpart()function in the mvpart package provides th...
默认出图效果 输出默认出图 # pdf pdf(file="rpart.pca.pdf", width=12, height=8) rpart.pca(fit,speclabs = F) dev.off() # jpg jpeg(file="rpart.pca.jpg", width=4000, height=3000, pointsize=8,units = 'px',res = 600) rpart.pca(fit,speclabs = F,cex.lab = 4) dev.off() ...
问题描述:如图所示,老版本的包已经不支持新版本的R语言。 解决办法: 1.安装Rtools:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN...
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