差异1:在IDE中通过选中单元测试路径,点击右键选择run test和点击maven中的test是有区别的。在Maven执行测试的过程中,是不允许测试cases访问其他项目的测试类和其他项目的resources下文件的。也就是说,在a/src/test/java下的测试用例,是不能引用b/src/test/java中的类的,同时也不允许访问b/src/test/resources下的...
Choose a number: 6//我们输入6 1. 之后我们还要填写,groupId、artifactId、version、package。 其中最后package,是在src/main/java/包名与src/test/java/包名。 这里我们需要注意的是,要是我们不想去等卡住的那个地方: [info]Generating project in interactive mode 1. 我们就需要加参数。之所以会被卡住,是因为...
mvn test (defualt will run on local firefox browser) mvn test "-Dbrowser=chrome" (to use any other browser) mvn test -Dcucumber.options="classpath:features/my_first.feature"to run specific feature. mvn test -Dcucumber.options="–-plugin html:target/result-html"to generate a HTML report....
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:3.1.0:run (First) on project mavenTest: You are using 'tasks' which has been removed from the maven-antrun-plugin. Please use 'target' and refer to the >>Major Version Upgrade to version 3.0.0<< on the plugin...
To ensure repeatable builds in a CI environment it would be great to be able specify desired maven version, like the Maven Wrapper plugin. Or possibly detect if mvnw is present in the project directory and use that?
springboot应用的启动方式有很多种,比如通过门面类Main启动、mvn spring-boot:run方式启动、打包后使用jar命令启动、tomcat7-maven-plugin插件启动和部署到外部...spring-boot:run启动 使用mvn spring-boot:run启动依赖于spring-boot-maven-plugin插件,并且也依赖@SpringBootApplication...使用mvn spring-boot:run和...
We have an MUnit test that succeeds locally, but when packaged via a Jenkins pipeline, the build fails. Why does the test pass locally, but fail when running mvn deploy: -Dmule.env=test? CAUSE When MUnit runs in Studio, it uses the latest Mule Runtime available (usually a patched ...
When I run a TestNG or JUnit, it failed always. The message is following: Information:11/15/16, 16:55 - Compilation completed with 1 error and 0 warnings in 62ms Error:Abnormal build process termination: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_60.jdk/Content...
# OS specific support. $var _must_ be set to either true or false. cygwin=false; darwin=false; mingw=false case "`uname`" in CYGWIN*) cygwin=true ;; MINGW*) mingw=true;; Darwin*) darwin=true # # Look for the Apple JDKs first to preserve the existing behaviour, and then look ...
-Dmaven.test.skip=true Skips compiling the tests and does not run them. -T Specify number of parallel threads involved in the build. If your project can be built in parallel, for example the modules that do not depend on each other, this option, say -T 4 (to use 4 threads) can si...