I did it by running the powershell command on the VM directly in Azure. New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\rdp-sxs" -Name "fReverseConnectMode" -Value "1" -PropertyType "Dword" After a reboot it works! Regards Jacob...
I have recently deployed WVD thanks to the current global crisis. It is working well for most of our users, apart from one. When she tries to connect to WVD via the web client, she gets this: ... Same here, in all our environments the problems have been solved by ensuring the UP...
(MVD) journey yourself. Just go tothe Expedia Trips portaland hit “change flight.” Search for new flights and secure the one that works with your new plans. You’ll see an estimate of applicable flight change fees. Alternatively, head to ourCustomer Service portalto chat to our Virtual ...
Airport to Dallas Airport itinerary through the Expedia Trips portal and look up the ticket rules and conditions about what changes are allowed. If you purchased your ticket in the last 24 hours, some airlines allow you to cancel at no cost and book new flights. If you bought your ticket ...
Same issue, but at the beginning everythig was OK with the first Hoospool, and now I can´t connect. I created two more pool and with the same result Miguel680603 I had a similar issue today in my 2004 lab environeemnt, but i only had to reboot my DC and RDSH server. ...
Look around for new flights and secure the one that fits your plans. You’ll see an estimate of flight change fees that may apply. You can also use our Customer Service portal to connect with our Virtual Agent and quickly get answers to all your questions....
/edit Actually, no,somehowshe's managed to end up with two accounts in O365, one synced from AD and a cloud account. Of course, she's trying to use the Cloud account to get in. What fun. Thank you for your help. Norphus
I think you are on the right track. Here's what we see internally: Client gets an Error during Orchestration. hello norphus i also have the same problem now if you solve your problem can you tell us the solution regards
I have recently deployed WVD thanks to the current global crisis. It is working well for most of our users, apart from one. When she tries to connect to WVD via the web client, she gets this: ... I think you are on the right track. Here's what we see internally: ...
/edit Actually, no,somehowshe's managed to end up with two accounts in O365, one synced from AD and a cloud account. Of course, she's trying to use the Cloud account to get in. What fun. Thank you for your help. Norphus