Mayer-Vietoris序列是代数拓扑中经典的结论, 对于计算同调群有着莫大的帮助. 它当然也存在于de Rham复形中. 上同调MV序列 复形的短正合列 在代数拓扑中我们知道, 若存在复形的短正合列 0→A→B→C→0 则由zig-zag引理(图追踪), 可以构造长正合列....
MV方法指用MV序列+五引理, 给出对开覆盖开集个数归纳的证明方法. 该方法导出若干重要的定理, 十分有用. 好覆盖的存在性 设M为n维流形, 其上开覆盖{Uα}为好覆盖, 若任意非空有限交微分同胚于Rn. 定理1.1. 流形具有好覆盖. 特别地,紧流形有有限好覆盖. ...
Mayer-Vietoris序列在代数拓扑领域是一个经典结论,对于计算同调群具有重要意义,同样适用于微分形式中的de Rham复形。在计算上同调或下同调时,它提供了一种将复形的短正合列扩展为长正合列的方法,帮助我们理解复杂空间的同调性质。为了构造Mayer-Vietoris序列,我们首先定义了两个开子集和,它们在流形上...
MV-代数的Fuzzy拓扑表现定理 更多例句>> 3) MV-algebra MV代数 1. The Simplified Forms of Definition of MV-algebra; MV代数定义的蕴涵简化形式 2. In this paper,some notions of weak FI-algebra and weak MV-algebra are introduced and their properties are studied. 本文引入弱FI代数、弱MV代数的...
MV-代数的Fuzzy拓扑表现定理 更多例句>> 2) MV-algebras MV-代数 1. MV-algebras,R0-algebras ,Implicative algebras ,FI-algebras ,BL-algebras and Residual Lattice; MV-代数、R_0-代数、格蕴涵代数、FI-代数、BL-代数与剩余格 2. In this paper,we studied the relations between valuations and filters ...
MV-代数的Fuzzy拓扑表现定理 更多例句>> 5) MV-algebra MV代数 1. The Simplified Forms of Definition of MV-algebra; MV代数定义的蕴涵简化形式 2. In this paper,some notions of weak FI-algebra and weak MV-algebra are introduced and their properties are studied. 本文引入弱FI代数、弱MV代数的...
MV-代数的Fuzzy拓扑表现定理 更多例句>> 5) MV-algebras MV-代数 1. MV-algebras ,R0-algebras ,Implicative algebras ,FI-algebras ,BL-algebras and Residual Lattice; MV-代数、R_0-代数、格蕴涵代数、FI-代数、BL-代数与剩余格 2. In this paper,we studied the relations between valuations and filt...
MV-代数的Fuzzy拓扑表现定理 更多例句>> 5) MV-algebra MV代数 1. The Simplified Forms of Definition of MV-algebra; MV代数定义的蕴涵简化形式 2. In this paper,some notions of weak FI-algebra and weak MV-algebra are introduced and their properties are studied. 本文引入弱FI代数、弱MV代数的...