在回调函数中处理编码完成得到的 sampleBuffer: typealias VTCompressionOutputCallback = ( UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, UnsafeMutableRawPointer?, OSStatus, VTEncodeInfoFlags, CMSampleBuffer?) -> Void 通过以上方法,我们可以将其他设备所拍摄的 SBS 立体视频文件编码为 Vision Pro 支持的 MV-HEVC 空间视频格式。
The \Samples\AppEncode\AppEncCuda sample application in theVideo Codec SDKnow supports MV-HEVC encoding, providing you with a powerful tool for implementing multi-view video compression. For more information about implementation details for MV-HEVC support in AppEncCuda, see theNVIDIA Vide...
Hello @quantumguru, This Apple provided program “SideBySideToMVHEVC” removes the audio track from our videos resulting in useless content. Yes, that sample app does not account for anything other than the first visual track of the source asset. That sample app "demonstrates the process for co...
Here is sample code to write MV-HEVC. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/media_reading_and_writing/converting_side-by-side_3d_video_to_multiview_hevc_and_spatial_video For playback, there are some APIs mentioned in this video: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2...
In Coverter.swift around line 130, the else block that marks frameInput as finished should be in response to a nil sampleBuffer. Otherwise, the conversion will never end. To fix it, just move that else block to be a condition of the "if let sampleBuffer" logic (essentially un-indenting...
主机解码器将DXVA_MVvalue结构发送到加速器,以指定二维运动向量值。 语法 C++ typedefstruct_DXVA_MVvalue{SHORT horz; SHORT vert; } DXVA_MVvalue, *LPDXVA_MVvalue; 成员 horz 指定运动向量值的水平分量。 包含一个带符号整数运动偏移量(以半采样单位为单位)。 如果bMVprecisionAndChromaRelationDXVA_PicturePara...
Syntax changes for SHVC/MV-HEVC coding apparatus and methods are described which improve efficiency. In a first portion, syntax of header signaling position under P or B-slice conditions are described, and a new condition to signal inter-layer prediction layer. A second portion describes use of...
HiMedia Q30 TV Box Unboxing I received the device is a package that read “HIMEDIA Q30” and “Android TV Box”, and shows some of the key features like 4K @ 60 fps, 10-bit HEVC, HDR and Kodi support. Click to Enlarge The devices ships with an IR remote control w...
strcmp(name, "SAMPLE_WIDTH")) { uint64_t bpc = var_read_int(pb, size) * (uint64_t)8; if (bpc > 16) return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; st->codecpar->bits_per_coded_sample = bpc; } else return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA; return 0; } /** * Parse video variable * @return < 0 if ...
hevcdec.c hls.c hls_sample_encryption.c hls_sample_encryption.h hlsenc.c hlsplaylist.c hlsplaylist.h hlsproto.c hnm.c http.c http.h httpauth.c httpauth.h icecast.c icodec.c icoenc.c id3v1.c id3v1.h id3v2.c id3v2.h id3v2enc.c idcin.c idroqdec.c idroqenc.c iff.c ifv....