Muzinich & Co. is a privately-owned, institutionally-focused investment firm specializing in public and private corporate credit.
Our primary focus is to preserve capital while seeking attractive, risk-adjusted returns. Experienced30+ year track record with an investment history that speaks for itself FocusedA focus on credit aligns us with our investors. Global16 offices globally to be close to the companies in which we ...
Muzinich is an institutional asset manager and investment company. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Muzinich's full profile.
We are focused on lending to companies in the lower middle market. It is by working with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with EBITDA of between €5-25mn, where we see the greatest risk/reward opportunities as a lender; we strongly believe in the positive societal values of provi...
今日Muzinich Europeyield Fund Hedged Euro Accumulation A Units基金(0P000015HC)净值查询,最新实时行情,走势图表,及Muzinich Europeyield Fund Hedged Euro Accumulation A Units基金(0P000015HC)的专业技术分析,历史数据,最新消息和未来预测。
Muzinich, Orion3推出10亿美元基础设施基金战略 香港:美国信贷公司Muzinich & Co和亚洲另类投资平台Orion3推出了基础设施和实物资产私人债务战略,寻求解决该行业的全球资金缺口。 Muzinich亚太区首席执行官Andrew Tan表示,该基金策略于昨日推出,获得了第一笔1.2亿美元的投资。
Muzinich:美元兑发达市场货币涨幅大于新兴市场货币 私人投资公司Muzinich表示,美元最近兑发达市场货币的升值幅度大于对新兴市场货币的升值幅度。日元辜负了其一贯的避险地位,本周兑美元汇率下跌至154,而欧元表现不佳的情况更为明显。早些时候,美元兑欧元升至五个半月高点,兑日元升至34年来高点。本文源自:金融界 ...
Muzinich Credit Opportunities Fund Supra Institutional Shares基金(MZCSX)历史数据一览,包括Muzinich Credit Opportunities Fund Supra Institutional Shares基金历史行情,年化收益率,每日净值和涨跌走势图表。
总部位于美国纽约的全球企业债券投资管理公司Muzinich & Co.日前任命前PGIM董事总经理、东南亚主管Sashi Nambiar为亚洲金融中介与财富业务主管,常驻新加坡。 ... 阅读全文内容 或…
今日Muzinich Europeyield Fund Hedged Euro Accumulation H Units基金(0P00011M0K)净值查询,最新实时行情,走势图表,及Muzinich Europeyield Fund Hedged Euro Accumulation H Units基金(0P00011M0K)的专业技术分析,历史数据,最新消息和未来预测。