RESTAURAREA UNOR FIGURINE CERAMICE DIN EPOCA ROMANA AFLATE ÎN COLECTIA MUZEULUI NATIONAL AL UNIRII, ALBA IULIAThe National Museum of Union holds a very important collection of terracotta figurines belonging to the Roman Age, that come from the territory of the ancient town Apulum and from two...
Teatrul National Vasile Alecsandri天气-8℃/1℃ Bojdeauca lui Ion Creanga天气-8℃/1℃ Cafeneaua Piața Unirii天气-8℃/1℃ Mănăstirea Sfinții Trei Ierarhi天气-8℃/1℃ Student Cultural Center天气-8℃/1℃ Emil Alexandrescu Stadium天气-8℃/1℃ Iași Athenaeum天气-8℃/1℃ Hama...
CONSIDERATII CU PRIVIRE LA METODELE DE CONFECTIONARE A UNOR FIGURINE CERAMICE DIN EPOCA ROMANA AFLATE ÎN COLECTIA MUZEULUI NATIONAL AL UNIRIISimilarly with other categories of ceramic artefacts from Roman period, manufacturing of figurines is part of repetitive manufacturing, the closest analogy ...
Machete din expoziția permanentă a Muzeului Național al Unirii din Alba IuliaIn almost all museal collections, scale representations of different subjects found a special place as complementary methods of museal expression. Interesting, more or less in accordance with the subject that they...
BIBLIOTECA PUBLICĂ DIN ALBA IULIA - INIłIATIVĂ A MUZEULUI NAłIONAL AL UNIRIIThis study presents the ties between two important cultural institutions from Alba Iulia: the National Museum of Unification and the Public Library (1938-1944). It emphasizes the exceptional role played by the ...