Muzeul de Istorie Turda 161 161Views 5Like Report Triangles:3.3M Vertices:1.7M More model information RO: Ulcior roman de inspirație elenistică sec. II-III p.Chr. ceramică h: 24,5 cm str. I.I. Russu, nr. 70 EN: Hellenistic-style Roman jug 2nd-3rd century AD pottery H: 24....
携程天气预报,为您及时准确发布中央气象台天气信息,便捷查询锡比乌Muzeul de Istorie Naturala实时天气预报、明天天气预报、一周天气预报,提供天气现象、气温状况、实况温度、风向情况、风力等级、总降水量、相对湿度、日出/日落时间...
Boethius (475-524) was a philosopher descending from an old family of Roman patricians. For a period of time he was the confidential person of the Goth King Theodoric (474-526), but being accused of treason he was banished, put in prison and finally beheaded. While being in prison he ...
In the center of the lower part there is depicted Romanos the Melodist, on the right of him there are the emperors and men of Church; on the left St. Andrew the Fool-for-Christ is depicted, turning to his disciple Epiphanius and pointing up at the miracle that takes place in the ...
Only four lamps could surely be dated by the archaeological context of discoveries between 101/102–117/118 A.D., the time the Roman camp from Drajna de Sus, Prahova County was in existence. Cuvinte-cheie: Opaie Firmalampen", colecia Muzeului de Istorie i Arheologie din Ploieti, ...
Muzeul de Vanătoare "August von Spiess"天气4℃/11℃ Saint Ursula Roman Catholic Church天气4℃/11℃ Muzeul de Istorie a Farmaciei天气4℃/11℃ Catedrala Mitropolitana Sibiu天气4℃/11℃ Romanian Art Gallery天气4℃/11℃ Arka Park Paltinis天气4℃/11℃ Fabrica de Cultură - Faust Hall天气...
The author realizes a rigorous geological (petrographic) study upon some epigraphic monuments (four sarcophagi and one votive altar from the Roman period (II-III centuries A.D.). They belong to the cultural patrimony of the museum and are exposed in the permanent exhibition of the institution ...