(redirected frommutually exclusive) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Acronyms,Wikipedia. [¦myü·chə·lē ik¦sklü·siv i′vens] (statistics) Two or more events such that the occurrence of any one makes impossible the occurrence of any of the others. ...
The authors note that life insurance is a business that combines strong emotion and pure mathematics and is, therefore, a much more intricate and difficult operation than banking, securities dealing, or even other types of insurance companies. The company traces its roots to a March 1860 meeting...
The trend is based on the idea that publicly-held companies have a competitive advantage over insurance companies that are owned by their policyholders. Public companies can diversify, participate in mergers and acquisitions, and have access to capital reserves. Demutualization is an expensive process...
For example, Prudential, one of the country's biggest insurance companies, announced in March that it intended to demutualize. Being a publicly held company puts much more performance pressure on management, often to the good of the company and th...
Interpretative guidance can be found both on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Web site (2) and also in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Technical Practice Aid pertaining to Statement of Position No. 03-3, Accounting for Certain Loans or Debt Securities...
The article discusses demutualization with a focus on mutual insurers in the United States. The trend is based on the idea that publicly-held companies have a competitive advantage over insurance companies that are owned by their policyholders. Public companies can diversify, participate in mergers ...
For example, Prudential, one of the country's biggest insurance companies, announced in March that it intended to demutualize. Being a publicly held company puts much more performance pressure on management, often to the good of the company and the policyholders. But demutualization is a time-...