网络互相独立事件;相互独立事件 网络释义
1) mutually independent events互相独立事件2) pairwise independent events 互相独立事件3) huxiang 互相 1. This thesis s research object is four adverbs of "huxiang", "xianghu", "hu" and "xiang" which expresses mode in the modal adverb, and they are called by a joint name of "huxiang"...
Related to mutually exclusive events:Independent events [¦myü·chə·lē ik¦sklü·siv i′vens] (statistics) Two or more events such that the occurrence of any one makes impossible the occurrence of any of the others. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyrigh...
S1 复习课 条件概率conditional probability,互斥事件mutually exclusive与独立事件independent 126 2 27:18 App 【GMAT数学提要】第1讲:整数 17 -- 13:56 App GMAT数学讲解:Inequalities - I 2.7万 246 1:16:05 App 姜姜讲GMAT数学:冲700必知——一次性解决余数问题 66.9万 1941 16:30 App 15分钟的英语...
For example, the outcomes of two roles of a fair die are independent events. The outcome of the first roll does not change the probability for the outcome of the second roll. To show two events are independent, you must show only one of the above conditions. If two events are NOT ...
Related to Mutually exclusive events:Independent events mu′tually exclu′sive adj. of or pertaining to a situation involving two or more events, possibilities, etc., in which the occurrence of one precludes the occurrence of the other:mutually exclusive plans. ...
Mutually exclusive events are those that cannot happen simultaneously, whereas independent events are those whose probabilities do not affect one another. See
要不扔到正,要不扔到反,这就是mutually exclusive events。但是如果我们同时扔一个硬币和一枚骰子,我们是可能同时扔到正面和1的,因为他们两个没半点关系,压根就不会影响到对方的,这就是independent events。用公式来讲:Mutually exclusive events:P(AUB)=P(A)+P(B)P(AnB)=0 Independent ...
In probability theory, mutually exclusive events or disjoint events do not occur at the same time. The occurrence of head or tail, when a coin is tossed, are mutually exclusive events. Learn more at BYJU'S.
数学的英语 - 豆丁网 ... mutually exclusive events 互斥事件mutually independent独立;互相独立cygyc-gc 点击率: 2521 ...|基于96个网页 3. 相互独立 其次,各次投掷应皆假设为相互独立(mutually independent),即出现的结果,彼此不受影响。又出现 6 及两个6,皆是指至少 … ...