mutually ['mju:tʃuəli] adv.互相地, 彼此的 例句与用法: The choice between twomutuallyexclusive possibilities. 两者择一,抉择对两个互相排斥的可能情况的选择 I encourage them to talk allmutually. 我鼓励他们都互相交谈。 That cannot be simultaneously true;mutuallyexclusive....
Presents a set of two or more mutually exclusive options to the user. 向用户显示由两个或更多个互斥选项组成的选项组。 6. Where two or more persons mutually agree to insure each other against marine losses there is said to be a mutual insurance. 两人或两人以上彼此同意互相...
The two views are notmutuallyexclusive (= both can be true at the same time) . 这两种观点并不互相排斥。 牛津词典 The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress... 东西方可以为彼此共同的利益和发展而合作。
mutually是什么意思、mutually怎么读 读音:英[ˈmjuːtʃuəli] 美['mjutʃuəli] mutually 基本解释 adv. 互相地,互助;对 词组短语 1、mutually-exclusive[计] 互斥的 2、assistmutually相互帮助 3、Mutually Assured Distraction 4、mutuallybeneficial 互利; 互惠 ...
mutually相关词 英汉例句 A meeting would take place at a mutually convenient time. 會議擬在雙方都方便的時候召開。 Their interests were mutually incompatible. 他們倆的利益相觝觸。 These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict. ...
mutually怎么读,mutually的音标和真人发音 英音[ˈmju:tʃuəlɪ] 美音[ˈmjuːtʃuəlɪ] 音节划分:mu-tu-al-ly mutually是什么意思,mutually的意思是 adv.互相地,互助;对 使用频率: mutually 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 But mutually compatible...
mutually发音 英:[ˈmju:tʃuəlɪ] 美:[ˈmjuːtʃuəlɪ] 英: 美: mutually中文意思翻译 adv.互相地, 彼此的 mutually词形变化 形容词:mutualistic | mutually常见例句 1、However, some mapping operations aremutuallyexclusive.───但是,有些映射操作是互相排斥的。
mutually conditioning 相互条件作用 mutually empowering 相互授能 mutually enabling 相互扶持 lace mutually 相互系上 respect mutually 互相尊敬 mutually更多词组 英英字典 剑桥英英字典 felt or done by two or more people or groups in the same way
ad. 1. 互相,彼此 The two beliefs are mutually exclusive. 这两种信念是互不相容的。 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程 手机号码吉凶 ...