Types of mutual funds Understanding the risks involved with investing and your own tolerance for risk—as well as your desire to involve yourself in the management of your investments—is key to helping you choose the fund or funds that best meet your investing needs. ...
Fidelity Learn Mutual funds are investment strategies that allow you to pool your money together with other investors to purchase a collection of stocks, bonds, or other securities that might be difficult to recreate on your own. This is often referred to as a portfolio. The price of the ...
To find out detailed information on Fidelity Investments Money Market in the U.S., click the tabs in the table below. The data that can be found in each tab includes historical performance, the...View more FundsETFsNewsResearch Name
Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX | Fund $20.55 $161 B 8.45% $1.74 0.39% FCNTX - Profile Distributions YTD Total Return-1.5% 3 Yr Annualized Total Return16.6% 5 Yr Annualized Total Return19.8% Capital Gain Distribution FrequencyNone Net Income Ratio-0.26% ...
Fidelity Mutual Funds to Buy and Hold Here's a look at Fidelity's largest and best-performing equity mutual funds for long-term investors. Tony DongMarch 4, 2025 10 Best Artificial Intelligence Stocks Countless companies stand to benefit from AI, but these stocks have AI and automation as a...
Source: Fidelity Investments Canada ULC, as at January 13, 2025 Learn more about FidelityStay informed with Fidelity’s investor series, The upsideTM Sign up Commissions, fees and expenses may be associated with investment funds. Read a fund’s prospectus or offering memorandum and speak to an...
7 Best Mutual Funds to Buy Now Traditional mutual funds still offer compelling and effective investment strategies. Coryanne HicksJan. 28, 2025 Fidelity Funds for Retirement Here's a look at which Fidelity mutual funds pulled ahead strongly over the past decade. ...
answeredOct 31 at 15:13 -1votes All numeric ticker symbol in mutual fund monthly holdings To look up the S&P 500 Index with the numeric ticker "111684," you might try using Fidelity’s fund details or their support team to clarify this specific index reference. Since the index ... ...
Fidelity Investmentshas thousands of mutual funds with no transaction fees (though some may require specific deposit amounts).Fidelity Go®, the firm'srobo-advisor, invests in mutual funds with no management fees or expense ratios. Mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) both contain stock...
行业基金 Sector Funds一些股票基金,称为行业基金,专注于特定行业。例如,富达 (Fidelity) 销售数十只“精选基金”,每只基金都投资于特定行业,例如生物技术 biotechnology,、公用事业 utilities、能源或电信。其他基金专门研究特定国家的证券。 债券基金 Bond Funds顾名思义,这些基金专注于固定收益领域。 在该领域内,债券...