A Mutual Fund Calculator online helps you in estimating return of your mutual funds investments. It can calculate your return for both investment methods: SIP and Lumpsum. So, how does it work? It works on a simple algorithm, wherein you just have to enter some information, and it will ...
Direct: 12% return after expense ratio, total returns of ₹12.64 lakh, final value of ₹18.64 lakh Regular: 11.25% return after expense ratio, total returns of ₹11.42 lakh, final value of ₹17.42 lakh How Can Mutual Fund Calculator Help? It is always best to estimate and budget yo...
A Mutual Fund Return Calculator is a financial tool which helps estimate investment returns easily. Using a simple algorithm, it calculates potential returns based on your inputs. This user-friendly tool eliminates lengthy manual calculations, making it accessible to a...
The owner of a mutual fund unit gets a proportional share of the fund’s gains, losses, income and expenses.Check out your returns from the Mutual Fund Calculator below to get an idea of the returns or the amount you should be investing to achieve your goal....
You can leverage the digital mutual funds calculator to estimate your investment returns accurately. Read our complete guide.
The Kotak SIP Calculator helps you plan your investment in Kotak mutual funds. Choose from the wide range of Kotak funds & calculate your return for Kotak SIP investment now!
The investment return calculator results show theInvested Total Capitalin green,Simple Interest Totalin red, and theCompound Interest Totalin Blue. You can click on them in the bottom legend to hide or make them visible again. The mutual fund calculator shows the power of compounding your return...
Instead of painstakingly doing all the calculations manually, all that you have to do with a SIP calculator is enter the amount you can invest every month, the SIP duration and the expected annual rate of return. The calculator then gives you a close estimate of the returns you are likely ...
Mutual Fund Calculator Results Explained The investment return calculator shows the Invested Capital Total in green, Simple Interest Total in red, and the Compound Interest Total in blue. You can hover over each section to see the value of each color. ...
Expected Return Rate % Time Period Yr Invested Amount ₹ 3,000,000 Est. Returns ₹ 2,808,477 Total Value ₹ 5,808,477 Invest Now with digibank What is a Mutual Fund Calculator? A Mutual Fund Calculator is an online tool that empowers you to calculate the future value of...