The expense ratio is a silent cost that gets deducted from the fund's share value. Investors can end up with lower expense ratios by investing in mutual funds with higher assets under management, or AUM. This is simply because higher AUM can result in operating costs getting spread among mor...
Primarily, debt funds are suited for achieving short- and medium-term financial goals, such as building an emergency fund or creating a corpus for immediate expenses, like a home or car loan down payment. However, they can also play a significant role in a lon...
Pioneers ofMutual Fund Industryin India Pureplay listed asset management company managing more than 14 lakh crore. Why choose UTI Mutual Fund? 60+ 1.2 crore+ 190+ Knowledge Centre Difference Between Financial Year (FY) and Assessment Year (AY) - All You Need to Know ...
The Indian mutual fund industry had limited focus on building retail AUM and has only recently stepped up efforts to augment branch presence in Tier 2 and Tier 3 towns. Players have historically garnered AUM by targeting the institutional segment that comprises 63 percent AUM share.Dr. S.M....
This ensured that the Mutual Fund Industry rapidly acquired size, expertise, and reach. As of 31st March 2022, Mutual Funds in India managed assets exceeding 37.7 lakh crore. Source: AMFI, Industry Research / Note: FY22 AUM is as of Mar-22...
Know about benefits of direct mutual funds which come with zero commissions. Start your investment journey with zero paperwork KYC, free risk profile, comprehensive mutual fund details to take well informed investment decisions.
The Indian mutual fund industry AUM grew from 3.6 trillion rupees in 2007, to 14.46 trillion rupees4 by June 2016 with assets being managed by 44 fund companies offering over 2,000 different schemes (AMFI, 2017). Table 2 shows how the top 16 AMCs contributed 91% of this AUM. Fig. 1 ...
Average (AUM) stood at INR 8, 140 billion as of September 2013. This paper focuses on market share of mutual fund, performance of mutual fund, future potential of mutual fund industry and emerging trends of mutual fund.DR. K.ALAMELU
Mutual funds are commonly known in the investment industry. The first mutual fund was created in 1924 and offered by MFS Investment Management.1 Since then, mutual funds have evolved to provide investors with a wide range of choices in both passively and actively managed investments. Passive fun...
A mutual fund is a financial vehicle that pools assets from shareholders to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers, who allocate the fund's assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income...