While waiting for the mutex lock to be satisfied, the mutex was destroyed. [EBUSY] The attempt to lock the mutex timed out because the mutex was already locked. [EOWNERTERM] A thread terminated holding the mutex, and the mutex is an ownerterm mutex type. ...
Waiting to lock: mutex.lock(function () { console.log('We got the lock!'); // do stuff mutex.unlock(); }); Waiting to lock, with timeout: mutex.timedLock(5000, function (error) { if (error) { console.log('Could not get the lock within 5 seconds, so gave up'); } else { ...
下面的patch 可以把lock的owner 信息在ftrace 中记录,并且在systrace 中显示出来,可以加快对问题的debug 添加下面的patch 后 index 851fc3d..d75fe2a --- a/libc/bionic/pthread_mutex.cpp +++ b/libc/bionic/pthread_mutex.cpp @@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ #include "private/bionic_time_conversions.h" #inclu...
lock函数和tryLock函数都是用于锁定对象,但他们之间有一定的区别: lock函数是阻塞的,因为它调用WaitForSingleObject函数时传递的第二个参数是INFINITE,表示无限等待下去...调用lock或者tryLock后,都需要调用unlock来解锁。...status_t Mutex::lo...
Nativesync/Mutexandsync/RWMutexare very powerful and reliable. However, it became a disaster if the lock was not released as expected. Or, someone was holding the lock too long at the peak time leading whole system blocked. Dealing with those cases,go-lockimplementsTryLock,TryLockWithTimeoutand...
unlockSlow 总结 3常用错误使用分析 3.1 锁重入 获取goroutine id 方式 3.2 锁拷贝 3.3 死锁 3.4 调用lock 没有调用unlock 3.5panic 导致的死锁 4常用锁解析 4.1 自旋锁 4.2 阻塞锁 4.3 排他锁 5位运算详解 & | ^ &^ 6semaphore(信号量) go futex 参考1...
rmtx.lock(); i/=x; rmtx.unlock(); }voidboth(intx,inty) { rmtx.lock(); mul(x);//递归,会使得同一线程两次获取互斥量div(y); rmtx.unlock(); } };//3. 带有超时的互斥量std::timed_mutex tmutex;voidwork() { std::chrono::microseconds timeout(100);while(true) {if(tmutex.try_...
: _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(_Pmtx->try_lock_until(_Abs_time)) {} // construct and lock with timeout // 双参数构造,传入一个xtime数据类型 _NODISCARD_CTOR unique_lock(_Mutex& _Mtx, const xtime* _Abs_time) : _Pmtx(_STD addressof(_Mtx)), _Owns(false) { // try to...