Factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation is presently recognized as the most common inherited cause of thrombosis. From a case report the link between varicella associated thrombosis and FVL is discussed. CASE REPORT: An eight year-old boy was admitted on 15th day of a varicella infection for difficulty...
(1998) Détection directe par PCR de la mutation du facteur V Leiden: analyse routinière sur plus de 1 000 échantillons cliniques. Immuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée 13 , 362-365 /C Bali, C Bathelier, G Lucotte. (1998) Détection directe par PCR de la mutation du facteur V ...
Factor V Leiden mutation was not found, homocysteine, Protein S and protein C activity and fibrinogen levels were within the normal ranges. Titre of ... ARSLAN,Ekim,DRCAN,... - 《Medical Bulletin of Haseki》 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 Mutation Leiden du facteur V dans le syndrome de Sneddon...
facteur V LeidenPCRdetection directe en routineWe have detected the factor V Leiden mutation, using an unconventional PCR method, on 1 137 clinical samples corresponding to patients at risk for venous thrombosis. By genotyping we have shown that 314 patients (27.6 %) were heterozygous, and 11 (...
Mutation du facteur V Leiden et thrombose : etude de 100 patients symptomatiques en medecine interneWe report upper limb artery thrombosis in two cases of systemic disease: one in a woman with chronic ulcerative colitis and the other revealing systemic sclerosis in a 38 year old woman....
factor V Leidenhereditary thrombophiliamyocardial infarctionWe report a documented observation of coronary thrombosis occurring in a 25-year-old patient with no risk factor, presenting a hereditary thrombophilia (facteur V Leiden) diagnosed a few months earlier in a context of venous thrombosis. This ...
La mutation hétérozygote de Leiden du facteur V multiplie le risque de thrombose par 5 à 10, ce risque passe à 10–40 quand elle s’associe à d’autres anomalies. Observation Patient Z. A, né en 1955, présente depuis 15 ans un syndrome métabolique, avec diabète sucré type 2, ...
Livedoid vasculitis is a clinico-pathological entity which may be idiopathic or secondary to various disorders. The aim of this study was to search for a thrombogenic biological abnormality in patients with apparently idiopathic livedoid vasculitis. All the patients with histologically confirmed and ...
Introduction The Leiden mutation of the factor V gene and the subsequent resistance of factor V to inactivation by activated protein C are associated with a procoagulant state, especially in the venous bed. However, its association with arterial thrombotic disease remains unclear. Observations We ...
We report a case of factorV Leiden mutation in association with IIH and their likely link and implication in the management of IIH.doi:10.1016/j.jmv.2014.04.012Younes, S.Aissi, M.Chérif, Y.Daoussi, N.Boughammoura, A.Frih Ayed, M....