The Mutant Creatures Mod adds many different creatures that are buffed up versions of Minecraft's original mobs! These mini-bosses bring greater challenges for the players, but along with that greater rewards. Each mob drops a special item that the player can use to his or her advantage. ...
Mutant Frozen Zombie:A slow but powerful ranged attacker. Make sure not to get frozen solid by its attacks, or it’ll try to smash you to pieces! Created by mutating a Zombie in cold biomes, or mutating a Frozen Zombie ifDungeons Mobsis installed. ...
Mutant Creaturesis an iconicMinecraft mod, seen as a real nightmare for survivors. Every entity added by this addon is not the easiest enemy, although you may think that they are very similar to vanilla mobs. This is indeed so, these mutants have the appearance of the familiar creepers,...
[Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20终极植物大战僵尸SERPVZ V1.1.0(附下载链接)/我的世界植物大战僵尸MOD 08:46 [Addon]磁吸漏斗?!让你的世界自动化起来!国际版机械工艺模组V1.2.0汉化版(附下载链接)/MechanicalCraft Addon 14:36 [Addon][优质模组介绍]国际版1.20变形手镯模组V0.1.8汉化版(附下载链接)/Morp...
Description:Summons mutant mobs in Minecraft Author:thehippomaster12 Version:v1.3.4 Release date:7th May, 2013 Compatibility:Windows, Mac, Linux Download Mutant Creepers 1.5.2: Mutant Creatures v1.3.4 KB) This mod adds 4 mobs: ...
网络变异生物;增加变异怪物和苦力怕宠物;异变体生物 网络释义
Mobs who can be pushed away by some Mutants are altered. Before, mobs would ride on a hidden entity, but now, have been replaced by scripting. (Any mobs with knockback resistance can still be affected) Normal and Mutant Bouldering Zombie's climbing volume has been reduced ...
(original mod: ~1.7.10 Mutant Creatures Mod - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge 1.12.2~1.16.5 Mutant Beasts - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge1.18.2~ Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fa... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge ) This mod requires GeckoLib mutant mobs listLV FAILED LV 1 LV 2 -Angry Angl...
Categories Mobs Main File 1.7.10 MutantCreatures-1.7.10-1.4.9.jar ReleaseR 1.7.10 Jul 31, 2015 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.7 MutantCreatures-1.7.10-1.4.9.jar ReleaseR 1.7.10 Jul 31, 2015 MutantCreatures-1.7.2-1.4.5.jar ReleaseR 1.7.2 Apr 13, 2014 Minecraft 1.6 Mutant_Creatures_v...
~1.7.10Mutant Creatures Mod - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge 1.12.2~1.16.5Mutant Beasts - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge 1.18.2~Mutant Monsters [Forge & Fa... - Mods - Minecraft - CurseForge) This mod requires GeckoLib mutant mobs list ...