The Latin name for the mustard plant is Brassica spp, and the word for mustard is “sinapi” or “mustum ardens“. “Mustum ardens” literally translates to “burning must,” reflecting the pungency of mustard. The term “sinapi” is the basis for the modern scientific name for the mustard...
Scientific nameBrassica spp. Geographic distributionAsia, Europe, North Africa, and North America Plant typeHerb Native regionEurope Main producer(s)Canada, India Main Economic UseCulinary, Landscaping Native to the Mediterranean region of Europe, mustard is thought to be one of the oldest crops of...
Common Names Garlic-root, garlicwort, hedge-garlic, Jack-by-the-hedge, Jack-in-the-bush, mustard-root, poor-man’s-mustard, sauce-alone, garlic mustard plant Name in Other Languages Albanian: Bar hadhre, bar hudhre, barëhudhëre mjekësore Arabic: thawmiat mueanaqa (ثوم...
The crispy, leafy tops gathered from the mustard plant while it is small, tender, and short of reaching the flowering stage. Leaf-mustards belongs to theBrassicafamily, which also includescabbage,broccoli,brussels sprouts,etc. Scientific name:Brassica juncea. ...
plant areSalad mustard, kedlock, yellow mustard, yellow or white mustard, Wild mustard, Salade mustard, charlock and rough mustard. The plant is grown for its seeds, and is used to make the condiment mustard, as fodder crop, or as a green manure. In Greece, the plant’s leaves can be...
Mustard family definition: the plant family Cruciferae (or Brassicaceae), characterized by herbaceous plants having alternate leaves, acrid or pungent juice, clusters of four-petaled flowers, and fruit in the form of a two-parted capsule, and including b
containment or eradication at the discretion of state or county weed management authorities and may not be produced, held or offered for sale as nursery stock in California; o/winfo_table-sciname.html;
SushmaThis research focuses on the ecological aspect of garlic mustard (Scientific name: [Bieb.] Cavara & Grande), a cool season exotic biennial herb belonging to the family Brassicaceae. Since its introduction into the United States from its native Europe in mid 1800's this plant has ...
Mustard spread — arguably the most popular form of prepared mustard — is made from seeds of the mustard plant. Mustard falls in the Brassicaceae family, which also includes broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. There are around 40 species of the mustard plant. But only three are most commonly...
Mustard should not be administered to children under six. Description Generally, the plant is an annual that grows to about three feet in height, producing slim-branched roots. The stem is almost round and bristly-haired at the base with a bluish bloom toward the top. All mustard plants are...