mustang- small hardy range horse of the western plains descended from horses brought by the Spanish pony- a range horse of the western United States bronc,broncho,bronco- an unbroken or imperfectly broken mustang Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University...
Mustangs are after image of the west, no better than ghosts, hardly there at all. 而野马就是西部残留影象, 犹如鬼魅, 几乎不见踪影. 来自互联网 8. The blizzard was petering outand a crowd of mustangs peered at the truck through the trees. 风暴逐渐平息,一群野马正从林间眺望着他们的小卡车...
7.Southern MethodistMustangs-南方卫理公会大学野马队 用法例句 1. But themustangsout West are a trickier logistical challenge. 但是,在西部地区以外的野马则面临着运输的问题。 2. He always glowed, his eyes still shone, becausemustangsare just like that. ...
The Cadillacs Rock-A-BillySongs Pre & Early Teen Groupsof The 50s & 60s “Last Dance” Songs All Girl Groups “Beach” / “Shag”Music Fun Dance Routines Backstage Rehearsalperformances "Acappella"performances Carl Perkins Hits "Your Hit Parade"Performances The Rivieras Hits The “Pearls” Hits...
Mustangsare after image of the west, no better than ghosts, hardly there at all. 而野马就是西部残留影象, 犹如鬼魅, 几乎不见踪影. 互联网 The blizzard was petering outand a crowd ofmustangspeered at the truck through the trees. 风暴逐渐平息,一群野马正从林间眺望着他们的小卡车. ...