In our testing, the Mach-E Rallyreached 60 mph in a swift 3.3 seconds. That's quicker than the 2021 Mach-E GT Performance whichshot to 60 mph in 3.7 seconds, but we haven't yet tested the GT with its more recent Performance upgrade option. ...
MachEforum is your top source for Ford Mustang Mach-E forum, news, price, specs, review, classifieds, photos/videos. Come join other enthusiasts & owners!
WhenFordintroduced theMustang Mach-Ein 2021 as its first mainstream electric vehicle (EV), the name caused considerable controversy. Enthusiasts argued that this was not a trueMustangand shouldn't be wearing the name. As it turns out, the name didn't deter most consumers, and the Mach-E fiv...
One of the hottest electric vehicles at the moment isFord's Mustang Mach-E, and I recently had a chance to spend some time in a 2021 model in First Edition trim to test out all of its features including the SYNC 4A infotainment system on a massive 15.5-inch portrait display with support...
福特MustangMach-E内饰设计十分高贵,高级感非常明显,符合其自身的定位。 福特MustangMach-E搭载了一套纯电动动力系统,配备了后置电动机,电动机总功率273马力,电动机总扭矩430牛·米,工信部纯电续航里程513km。 这款车匹配固定齿比变速箱。 这款车前后悬架分别使用了麦弗逊式独立悬架和五连杆独立悬架。
福特MustangMach-E方向盘采用皮质材质,看上去还不错。 中控屏尺寸为15.5英寸,屏幕尺寸较大,科技感非常强烈。另外,福特MustangMach-E还配备了导航路况信息显示、蓝牙/车载电话、道路救援呼叫等五项配置。 该车配备了电动后备厢、前排手机无线充电、远程启动等多项配置,功能相当丰富,这对于驾驶者无疑是非常友好的。
2021款福特Mustang Mach-E在IIHS侧面碰撞测试中获得最高分。#cars01车闻[超话]#
Mustang Mach-E(2021款 无疆后驱豪华版 长续航)参考价 31.69万起最大功率(kW)224最大扭矩(N•m)430长*宽*高(mm) 4730*1886*1621车身结构 5门5座SUV, 视频播放量 5.7万播放、弹幕量 257、点赞数 1304、投硬币枚数 184、收藏人数 103、转发人数 155, 视频作者 小汪试车,
美国国家公路交通安全管理局和福特已对 2021 款福特野马 Mach-E 进行了两次召回,两者都与未正确粘合的玻璃有关,在发生碰撞时可能会掉落。第一次召回,NHTSA 活动 21V711000,影响了 17,692 辆汽车,原因是挡风玻璃在工厂没有正确粘合到车身上。解决这个问题的方法非常简单:您的福特经销商正确移除并重新粘合挡风...