Mustang Mach-E® GT Starting at $52,4951 280 mile (eAWD) EPA-est. range* with extended-range battery 600 lb-ft of torque and 480 horsepower 0-60 mph in 3.8 seconds Optional Mustang Mach-E GT™ Performance Upgrade for an additional 100 lb-ft of torque Extra-cost color option sho...
Mustang Mach-E® GT Starting at $52,4951 280 mile (eAWD) EPA-est. range* with extended-range battery 600 lb-ft of torque and 480 horsepower 0-60 mph in 3.8 seconds Optional Mustang Mach-E GT™ Performance Upgrade for an additional 100 lb-ft of torque Extra-cost color option sho...
Mustang Mach-E的诞生地,距离亨利·福特在底特律第一家工厂仅几个街区。Mach-E 的名字源于 Mach 1,至于Mach 1是当年福特为凸显Mustang速度的专用尾标,用E 换位 1,代表福特Mustang向纯电动的转变开端。 Mustang Mach-E定位于紧凑型SUV,长宽高分别为:4724*1880*1600mm,轴距达到了2972mm。在外观设计方面,Mustang ...
外观上,Mustang Mach-E透露着浓郁的美式肌肉风味,性能感十足。除了封闭式的前格栅,这款纯电SUV的前后灯组造型都源自于野马的经典设计,加上前舱盖的隆起以及轮拱上的筋线,让人不敢小觑。 当然,轱辘哥还发现Mustang Mach-E还有多处独特的创新设计,大溜背式设计让整车看起来更加动感,“E-Latch”无外门把手设计提升...
For the first time in 56 years, Ford is expanding the Mustang family, bringing the famous pony into the electric age with Mustang Mach-E, an all-new, all-electric SUV born of the same all-American ideals that inspired the best-selling sports coupe in the
Ford offers a $995 performance upgrade for the Mach-E GT, boosting torque by 100 lb-ft. The extra oomph allows the crossover to accelerate from 0-60 mph in 3.3 seconds. The upgrade appears to be a one-time option, unlike Mercedes’ monthly, annual, and lifetime plans. ...
作为一款定位于高性能电动SUV的产品,福特相信Mach-E的动力性能同样不输于当前最好的电动车产品。“Mach-E GT的0-60英里加速可以在3点几秒完成,而一般的普通全轮驱动版本在5.5秒。”福特方面的信息显示。 实际上,不同配置版本的车型会分别搭载190kW和210kW的后驱电机,而全轮驱动版本会增加一个50kW的前驱电机,系...
💪 动力方面,Mustang 60周年纪念版搭载了经典的5.0L V8发动机,最大功率达到480马力。无论是6速手动还是10速自动变速箱,都能带给你极致的驾驶体验。🏎️ 💖 更棒的是,这款纪念版车型不仅适用于硬顶车,还有敞篷版可供选择,满足你不同的驾驶需求。😎 ...