The Ford Performance-engineered 5.2L V8 engine with 8-speed dual-clutch transmission is tuned to target more than 800 horsepower*— that's ready to conquer the streets and the track. Near 50/50 Weight Balance All the Mustang®GTD power is transmitted through a lightweight carbon fiber drive...
The Ford Performance-engineered 5.2L V8 engine with 8-speed dual-clutch transmission is tuned to target more than 800 horsepower*— that's ready to conquer the streets and the track. Near 50/50 Weight Balance All the Mustang®GTD power is transmitted through a lightweight carbon fiber drive...
Mustang GTD征战“绿色地狱”,期待圈速突破 全新福特Mustang GTD 以全新福特Mustang Dark Horse为基石、作为目前Mustang量产车家族至强性能代表的福特Mustang GTD正在有着“绿色地狱”之称的纽伯格林北环赛道寻求赛道圈速成绩的终极突破。全新福特Mustang GTD的目标是突破纽北7分圈速大关,并成为北美地区首个达成这一成就的...
“Mustang GTD is the pinnacle of Mustang performance. Mustang GTD Spirit of America celebrates the daring behind that performance. Mustang GTD wouldn't have been possible without people like Craig Breedlove, pushing the edge of the envelope and challenging the Goliaths of t...
以全新福特Mustang Dark Horse为基石、作为目前Mustang量产车家族至强性能的代表的福特Mustang GTD正在有着“绿色地狱”之称的纽伯格林北环赛道寻求赛道圈速成绩的终极突破。全新福特Mustang GTD的目标是突破纽北7分圈速大关,并成为北美地区首个达成这一成就的量产性能跑车。
The Mustang GTD is the most powerful production Mustang ever built by Ford. It has a 5.2-liter supercharged V8 engine that produces 815 horsepower and 664 lb-ft of torque. The car has a top speed of 202 miles per hour and uses active aero. The Mustang Shelby GT500 currently holds the...
MustangGTD的内饰展现出一切以驾驶者为核心的设计理念,专注驾驶的细节设计包括大尺寸3D立体打印钛合金拨片换挡杆、标准Recaro座椅、附带驾驶控制功能的加厚把手平底方向盘等 MustangGTD数字仪表盘自带专属主题,中控显示屏具备自设头像等一系列自设置功能,加之新一代Sync 4车机系统,为用户带来极致专注、性能为先的驾驶体验...
全新四座跑车福特Mustang Dark Horse也是继2001年推出的Mustang Bullitt特别版之后,福特Mustang家族首个获得全新命名的高性能新成员。同时,它还是福特性能车团队调校开发全新Mustang GT3、GT4以及Mustang GTD等纯粹为赛道而生的超性能产品的基石。5.0升Coyote V8发动机,公路与赛道能力兼具的热血驾趣 作为全新一代Mustang...
Mustang GTD在勒芒赛场完成欧洲首秀之后,Mustang GTD接下来还将征战斯帕24小时耐力赛和古德伍德速度节。随着Mustang GTD在欧洲首发亮相,以Mustang GTD为主题的技术揭秘短片也将同步发布,深度解读Mustang GTD之所以成为超级跑车的组件优势及领先技术,并通过电脑生成的可视化仿真效果图,洞悉Mustang GTD搭载的尖端悬挂系统、至高...
Last year, Ford Performance unveiled the Mustang FP800S concept, a supercharged beast that many call the “budget” Mustang GTD. At its core is a... Read More FOR SALE: 2011 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 Convertible For 2011, the Shelby GT500 carried over much of its predecessor’s design,...