We provide resources for first time buyers and veteran enthusiast interested in purchasing a classic Mustang. Our site includes a buyers guide / price and condition guide, and a photo gallery of 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 first generation Convertible, Coupe and Fastback cars , and info about...
inRe: 1966 GT Convertible on November 21, 2024, 09:44:05 PM Parts for Sale 4972 Posts 2135 Topics Last postby67 Acapulco K Code inRe: 68.5 Mustang or 68 G... on February 17, 2025, 11:39:48 PM Related Literature, Period Tools, Automobilia non-Parts For Sale ...
This Mustang’s brightest spot may be it;’s interior. It’s a black vinyl-clad environment and is in nice shape – it regals in its sixties simplicity. I’m looking for a problem but don’t see one. This is an A/C equipped car but the belt is off the compressor so I’d assume...
So, someone has been quite adventurous with this Mustang, and it appears that their intention was to create a distinctive vehicle with a real attitude. I guess that the next owner is really left with three distinct paths that they could follow with this car. The first would be to continue...
The seller also makes a point of this likely being one of the first fastback Mustangs built. While the car was introduced in both the coupe and convertible body styles, the fastback was offered later in the 1965 model year. Later the basis for Shelby’s famous GT350, the fastback style ...