lightdb@postgres=# CREATE INDEX idx1_lem_db_log ON lem_db_log USING gin(to_tsquery(concat('field1='|| field1,' field2=' || field2,' field3=' || field3,' field4=' || field4,' field5='||field5))); ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE lightdb@postgre...
就可以创建索引了。虽然官方不建议在非immutable属性上强行索引,但是为了解决问题。。。没办法了谁有更好的办法,可以留言哈~!创建函数代码:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION to_date_immutable( text, text) RETURNS date AS 'to_date' LANGUAGE internal immutable STRICT COST 1; ALTER FUNCTION to_date_immutable(text...
在从oracle迁移到openGauss中,创建函数索引的时候,偶尔会出现此类报错 functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE 大概意思是,函数索引里的函数,必须是“IMMUTABLE”的,如果不是"IMMUTABLE",比如是“STABLE”,就会出现这个报错。 其中最常见的就是使用to_char/to_date这两个与日期有关的函数,而此限制,...
NOTE: HOMELY, CULTURED BRAHMIN WOMAN SEEKS PARTICULAR SOCIAL GROUP: MUST BE IMMUTABLE, PARTICULAR, AND SOCIALLY VISIBLEThe article discusses Indian Brahmin women who are victims of domestic violence as of June 2012, focusing on whether this collection of women constitutes a particular social group ...
Postgres requires functions in index expression to be labeled as IMMUTABLE to avoid errors, Error caused by using CONCAT in INDEX: Functions in index expression need to be labeled as IMMUTABLE, Creating an Index: My Current Endeavor
@文心快码BaiduComatefunctions in partition key expression must be marked immutable 文心快码BaiduComate 在PostgreSQL(包括openGauss、MogDB等兼容PostgreSQL的数据库)中,当涉及到分区表时,分区键(Partition Key)用于确定如何将数据分配到不同的分区中。对于分区键表达式中的函数,有一个重要的要求,即这些函数必须被标记...
ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE创建函数索引报错,”functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE” ,意思为建立函数索引时 函数必须标识为 “IMMUTABLE”。3 查看 to_char 函数12345678910111213 skytf=> \df to_char(); List of functions Schema | Name | Result ...
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLE Command was: CREATE INDEX inventory_package__name_index ON public.inventory_package USING gin (public.unaccent((name)::text) public.gin_trgm_ops); Using Postgresql 15 postg...
ERROR: functions in index expression must be marked IMMUTABLEI have also tried functions that return a timestamp:SELECT ($1 at time zone 'UTC') And functions that return unix time (tried double and casted into decimal):SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM $1) Each of these returns the...
Immutable objects MUST not be modified in any way after their creation. final of course helps to achieve that. You guarantee that they will not ever be changed. BUT what if you have an array inside your object that is final? Of course the reference is not changable, but the elements are...