A chilling psychological thriller, this film follows FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) as she seeks the help of the brilliant yet terrifying Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins), a psychiatrist-turned-serial killer, to catch another...
Martin Scorsesedirected this gem deserves to been seen once in your lifetime. This movie is one of the bestpsychological thrillersyou can watch. Starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Ben Kingsley, and Michelle Williams in the leading role. There are many reasons to watch this film and one ...
(anthony hopkins), a psychiatrist-turned-serial killer, to catch another dangerous murderer. with its masterful blend of suspense, horror, and psychological drama, the film hooks audiences from start to finish. its tour-de-force performances...
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Kali: A Gripping Psychological Thriller Platform:ETV Win Streaming Date:October 17 (Midnight) For fans of suspense and psychological thrillers, Kali is a must-watch. This Telugu film, which will be available for streaming on ETV Win starting October 17 at midnight, promises to keep you on the...
From captivating true stories to musical psychological thrillers, here are the most buzzworthy titles of the 81st Venice International Film Festival.
watch 12 Angry Men (1957) (Image credit: Getty images) Director:Sidney Lumet Stars:Henry Fonda, Lee J. Cobb, Ed Begley Rotten Tomatoes Score:100% For fans of:courtroom dramas and realistic thrillers This classic film is ostensibly about a dozen white men on a jury arguing over whether a ...
Where to Watch:Netflix 14. Shirley Director:Josephine Decker A psychological drama,Shirleycombines fictitious elements of a young couple’s decision to move in with Shirley Jackson and her husband, with known details about the reclusive horror writer’s personality giving us an unsettling dynamic tha...
This movie covers psychological horror, mystery, thriller, and drama genres. Another movie that falls under this category is Train to Busan by director Yeon Sang Ho starring Gong Yoo, which is one of the most famous zombie apocalypse movies. This tells the story of fighting zombies in a ...
Park Chan-wook’s erotic psychological thrillerThe Handmaiden, where – with the help of a pickpocket (Kim Tae-ri) – a con man (Ha Jung-woo) devises a scheme to beguile and entrap a Japanese woman (Kim Min-hee) for her riches.The Handmaidenwon the 71st British Academy Film Awards for...