OTT platform: Netflix The Midnight Club The Midnight Club is an upcoming American horror fiction drama series created by Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong. The series is an adaptation of a 1994 book of the same name written by Christopher Pike. A gr...
Diwas is a self-professed ‘writer by birth’, and holds a Degree in Journalism and a Diploma in Integrated Marketing that complement his innate abilities. He is also a Hubspot certified Content Marketer and has worked with numerous publications in the print-media before switching to the digital...
After I finished each book, we’d watch the corresponding movie and discuss our thoughts of the big screen adaptation, the actors chosen to play the fictional characters, the bits in the books the films left out but that should have been kept in, the way the filmmakers had created the mag...
If you're always browsing Netflix, Prime, or any other streaming service looking for a good movie to watch on a boring night, maybe try these. Paper Spiders Plan B Ultimate Playlist of Noise Paper Spiders is the movie that garners a lot of respect on Rotten Tomatoes. Earlier in the yea...
If the adorable visuals brought to life by Castillo—who most recently served as the character designer for the Netflix filmMitchell’s vs. The Machines—don’t do it for you, the intriguing narrative and interactive elements will. For more information visithere....
Additional add-ons can be found on Reddit, PimpMy Stremio, etc. Cons Content availability depends on add-ons. Doesn’t suggest new or related add-ons. Price: Free Download Stremio 14. Photo Gallery and Screensaver – Put Your Images as Screensaver ...
It's been 15 years since this faux documentary/ghost story premiered at the Sydney Film Festival, and it's earned its place on many a horror feature or subreddit as a deep-cut fave for horror aficionados. (One scene in particular was featured in Shudder's 101 Scariest Moments, though fa...
At the end of the day, whether or not your bag is strictly checked will be up to the individual staff. While I wasn’t checked, other first-hand accounts from Reddit were not so lucky. So just know that you *may* get asked to put your bags into the shockingly restrictive sizers, an...
free VR app that lets you choose from a variety of environments where you can watch videos with friends in avatar form. The app supports Twitch, PlutoTV, Disney+, and Amazon Prime Video. You might need to connect Bigscreen Beta to your Windows PC for Netflix,Hulu, and otherstreaming ...
fights, using a very stylized stand up game backed up by take downs and some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (which he holds a Purple Belt in –source). It’s one of the very best portrayals of ‘entertainment MMA’ in an action movie. It’s not realistic, but it’s pretty exciting to watch!