Directed by Satish Tripura, this mystery thriller is one movie we are excited to watch. The movie’s cast includes Sri Simha, Samuthirakani, Preeti Asrani, and others in lead roles. This thriller is about Raju, a small-time thief who breaks into a car. Little did he know that the car...
You have to watch this movie because it takes you to a child’s compassion to find his friend’s home. Children are used in this movie as a window to society which gives the movie an emotional directness. It is truly a heart-rendering movie. As it was published in the NY Times: “T...
I’ve not seen this one since its release, so this new Indicator release is most welcomed, and I shall be revisiting it again soon as it makes for a super watch party piece (especially for Halloween) as well as being a great addition to my collection of psycho femme/biddy films. INDICA...
Go to Reddit and read about other people’s view on the movieI hope you found this article useful and that you got an amazing “Movies to watch list”! Stay safe at home and all the best. To end, here is a quote about AGI by Elon Musk “I’m increasingly inclined to think that ...
The Sting is a classic heist film that revolves around a group of professional gamblers who plan an elaborate con on a corrupt crime boss. The movie starsPaul Newmanand Robert Redford and is set in the 1930s. The film provides an engaging and entertaining look at the world of gambling, as...
fights, using a very stylized stand up game backed up by take downs and some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (which he holds a Purple Belt in –source). It’s one of the very best portrayals of ‘entertainment MMA’ in an action movie. It’s not realistic, but it’s pretty exciting to watch!
Diwas is a self-professed ‘writer by birth’, and holds a Degree in Journalism and a Diploma in Integrated Marketing that complement his innate abilities. He is also a Hubspot certified Content Marketer and has worked with numerous publications in the print-media before switching to the digital...
Whether it's a new social media app, live streams, or movies, there's always something to read or watch. Learn more about the media that's being consumed by the world.
You too could do your part and recommend a great series to others in the search for a great series or movie. The subreddit is fairly active and you would find some great series or movies to watch which would be recommended by members of the subreddit. Make these clever Netflix socks Th...
The worst of Covid may be behind us, but the nation’s housing and homelessness crisis remains severe. Congress must now act with the same resolve it found during the worst of Covid to support the lowest-income renters and people without homes. ...