Crime/Drama/Thriller; Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law Set in gorgeous Italian locales, this 90s fim is about a poor young man who encounters a handsome heir played by Jude Law, and becomes obsessed with wishing that life was his. Things move along when the two become friends and eve...
Moving, a record-breaking Korean drama series, stands out as a must-watch for superhero enthusiasts. Adapted from Kang Full's webtoon of the same name, the supernatural-fantasy drama revolves around three high school students and their parents who unexpectedly discover their superpowers. The serie...
The common refrain, when watching each series in isolation, is that the American justice system is “broken” and in need of repair. But taken together, as crime series which refigure the dysfunction of American justice as the central mystery, the US criminal justice seems less broken than in...
Extracurricularis a Korean drama that merges elements ofthriller and crimeinto its story. Its main character is Oh Ji-soo, who seems like the perfect student at his school. Despite his perfect exterior, he has many dark secrets: he works with a sex trafficking business, despite his perfect i...
6. Delhi Crime Season 2 OTT Platform: Netflix IMDb Rating: 8.5 The second season of Netflix’s popular crime drama series Delhi Crime sees DCP Vartika Chaturvedi (Shefali Shah) heading another crucial investigation with her team which includes Neeti Singh (Rasika Duggal) and Bhupendra Singh ...
The crime drama is acclaimed to be the most influential film, with the best star cast ever. The film is a narration about an Italian crime dynasty in New York, the Corleone family. The plot circles around patriarch Don Corleone (Marlon Brand), striving to transform his son Micheal (Al ...
joe pesci adapted from the true-crime book wiseguy, martin scorsese's gripping mafia drama delves into the world of organized crime, following the rise and fall of mobster henry hill, played by ray liotta. with its richly drawn character...
Leonardo DiCaprio's Production Company Developing Crime Drama Series For ABC Oct 14GeekTyrant Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap By what name was Mustat lesket (2014) officially released in Canada in English?
From crime thrillers to action fantasies, here is the list of the movies and web series releasing today on OTT platforms that you must watch
Watch Avengers: Infinity War at VOX Cinemas across the Middle East Marvel fans will be using all their superpowers to reach VOX Cinemas now that the hugely hyped new release in the Avengers series is finally here. You can expect plenty of superheroes, villains and jaw-dropping special effects...