The Golden Time is one of the most realistic romance anime, the unique element showcases the reality, struggle, and complications of relationships and how to tackle the situations on love track. Tada Banri started his new life as a law student, on the first day of his college he lost his...
While we’re on the topic of anime,Grave Of The Fireflies, directed by Isao Takahata is a must view classic war drama anime. Considered by critics as one of the best films to come out of Japanese cinema, this film is the story of a young boy and his little sister’s struggle for su...
Synopsis: A woman plagued by blackouts and strange visions discovers she's stuck in a series of time loops, possibly related to her mysterious new girlfriend. Where to watch:Hulu The Duke of Burgundy Synopsis: A drama about the relationship between a pair of female lovers who play games of...
Streaming services possess both acclaimed series and a multitude of disappointments. We update our guide to the top popular TV shows to watch to help you prioritize which series to watch. Although not all of them guarantee success—and we appreciate the hidden gems—they all merit your time. #...
这是我个人看完后认为在画风、情节、人设、声优至少一项或者整体风格上必须看的动画。绝对六星超满星推荐的精选!与我的追番行动一并不断更新中。 推荐1人 关注310人关注 全部(233) 按添加顺序查看 可播放的影视(155) 1 来自:豆瓣电影 徒然喜欢你 徒然チルドレン ...
The series mainly focuses on a character named Pencilmate, who has been featured in many of Ross' works. He creates each video for not-too-serious adults. It takes the basic idea of characters drawn on paper and turns it into something entertaining and creative. The stick figure-ish ...
Are you an anime fan? Would like to learn Chinese? These 10 Chinese anime are the best to watch to learn whilst having fun.
all thanks to the mainstream popularity of The King’s Avatar which took the anime industry by storm last 2017. Last year, I have written a post about the top action Chinese anime that you should watch, as well as a list of the top 10 Chinese anime, I have to say that those older ...
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Few types of anime are as specific and captivating as harem anime, where the entire cast seems to be enamored with the show’s charismatic main character. This subgenre often revolves around a young man finding himself surrounded by a group of beautiful women, such as the classic series Tenchi...