◆ MUST is only used in the present tense and sometimes to express the future. We use a form of HAVE TO for other tenses. ◆ MUST只用于现在时,有时可用来表达将来时态。在其他时态中,使用HAVE TO的各种形式。★ I had to pay my speeding ticket yesterday.★ 我昨天不得不支付我的超速罚单。...
但是,我们也会把must当作have to来用,尽管这种用法更多的是在书面语中。 Climate change must be stopped. 必须阻止气候变化。 You must see the doctor before Friday. 你必须在星期五之前看医生。 “Have to,”“have got to” and its reduced form “gotta,” are used very often in spoken language to...
4. The interrogative forms differ: To form a yes/no question with "must," the subject and verb are simply swapped. For example: "Must I finish my homework before I go out?" (Do I need to finish my homework before I go out?) With "have to," the helping verb "do" is...
答案:must,have to 解析:要几点到是说话者的主观看法,用 must;句中已有情态动词 will,所以只能用 have to. 2. You ___ submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. Check that the name, address, and background information are correct. If the form is not accurate and comple...
'Must, have to'的三种说法(下) 724 播放小吴说人文 人文分享 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~选集(29) 自动播放 [1] THE て Form!第一讲(上) 839播放 06:13 [2] THE て Form!第一讲(下) 597播放 06:17 [3] て Form 第二讲 1178播放 07:47 [4] て...
如果义务是外部的(意思是别人给的命令),你应该用have to。 For example: I have to finish my homework because my teacher told me to. In this case, the speaker didn’t decide to do their homework because they wanted to, but because the teacher instructed it. This is anexternal obligation. ...
下列句子)1.I he sentences with the proper form of have to or must. (用 have to 或 must完成2.I get up early tomorrow. There are a lot of things I want to do.get up early tomorrow. I'm going away and my train leaves at 7:30.3. I haven't phoned Ann for ages. I4. You can...
1、当Must如果当助动词用,后方加的是不带TO的不定式,must do sth。2、如果用作名词,句型则是: must to do sth。
答案:must,have to 解析:要几点到是说话者的主观看法,用 must;句中已有情态动词 will,所以只能用 have to. 2. You ___ submit the application if it has not been completely filled out. Check that the name, address, and background information are correct. If the form is not accurate and comple...
你的句子中,动作的执行者是you,动作的承受者是the form,所以要把the form放在主语的位置,然后把you放在by后面。另外,因为你的句子中有情态动词must have,所以要把be变成been,过去分词不变。所以你的句子可以改成:The form must have been completed by you.或者 You must have been the one ...