在使用S-function解微分方程时,出现报错X0 returned by MATLAB S-function '***' in '***/S-Function' must be a vector of length *,如下图。 此错误翻译就是 x0返回值是一个长度为5的向量。 这种错误修改就是: 因为x0表示的是初值,所以找到mdlInitializeSizes X0=[ ]中赋予初值的个数要和sizes.N...
把p5 <- uniroot(f35,c(0,1),a=a,b=b,c=c,d=d,e=e,f=f,tol=0.00000001)改成 p5 <-...
m =-5+1/2*a+1/2*b+1/2*a*b n =5+1/2*a+1/2*b-1/2*a*b m和n都是符号变量,内容是如上的字符串,结果当然会出错了。所以建议你还是把m和n求解出来的结果放到上面,这也算是一个搭建系统的好习惯。
简介:在使用MATLAB Simulink进行BP PID控制时,可能会遇到'Error: *** during flag=* call must be a real vector of length 3'的错误。这个错误通常意味着传递给PID控制器的输入信号不是期望的3元素实数向量。本文将探讨此错误的常见原因及解决方案。
sequence_length must be a vector of length batch_size, but saw shape: (24, 1, 2) tensorflowbutleradded thestat:awaiting responseStatus - Awaiting response from authorlabelOct 14, 2018 tensorflowbutlerassignedHarshini-GadigeOct 14, 2018
sizes.DirFeedthrough = 1; %为0,表示输入不直接接到输出端口 我看我的输入是不直接接到输出端口,...
0 Link Open in MATLAB Online I want to make my signal generator graphical within the simulink. I tried to transfer my code for the pulse(a square wave was shown as an example) to a s_function, but it always showed errors. It is a discrete ...
在使用S-function过程中,仿真一段时间后出错,错误提示:**must be a real vector of length 2S函数中要解方程组,部分代码如下:function sys=mdlOutputs(t,x,u)a=u(1);b=u(2);[m,n]=solve('m+n=a+b,m-n=a*b-10');sys=[m,n];