解决Matlab遇到的svmtrain (line 234) Y must be a vector or a character array. 在使用MATLAB进行SVM分类器训练时,有时会出现以下错误提示:svmtrain (line 234) Y must be a vector or a character array. 这个错误是由于目标变量Y的类型不正确导致的。本文将介绍如何解决这个问题并提供具体的示例代码。 问...
value as obtained from event.Value is a character vector, so adding 3 to it does not do what you may think it does: ThemeCopy >> '4'+3 ans = 55 Then, value2 is a double, so you cannot use it to set app.A2EditField.Value, which must be a...
错误信息 "file name must be a character row vector or a string scalar having nonempty character contents" 指出在 MATLAB 中,期望的文件名必须是一个非空的字符行向量(character row vector)或字符串标量(string scalar)。这意味着文件名必须是有效的字符串格式,不能为空或未指定。 可能导致该错误的情景 未...
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/413288-out-sim-net-test1-model-parameter-must-be-a-character-vector-what-is-the-erroe#answer_381132 but when i try it, my nn doesn't want to run and didn't display the nntraintool. What should i do to fix it?
这是因为是在设定路径里面没有libsvm。辛亏有一位师姐的电脑里面有libsvm的包,我直接用了,这样就不需要下载了。 图示: 打开后文件夹后里面包含: 那么问题是:我们在MATLAB中怎么把这个包添加到路径中呢: 解决办法(已有libsvm工具包,英文版MATLAB):
解决方法 解决问题 在写关于SVM时,调用svmtrain 函数,出现错误:错误使用 svmtrain (line 234) Y must be a vector or a character array. 出错 main (line 44) cg(i,j) = svmtrain(train_label,Train_matrix,cmd); 解决思路 因为你本身所写的函数,与系统自带的工具箱中的函数冲突了,所以导致机机器...
在写关于SVM时,调用svmtrain 函数,出现错误:错误使用 svmtrain (line 234) Y must be a vector or a character array. 出错 main (line 44) cg(i,j) = svmtrain(train_label,Train_matrix,cmd); 解决思路 因为你本身所写的函数,与系统自带的工具箱中的函数冲突了,所以导致机机器本身突然木讷,无法选择,...
Replace string 'NULL' with NA, x `replacement` must be a character vector ℹ Input `s` is `str_replace_all(bla, "NULL", NA_real_)`. r stringr · Share. R Error: Data Type Must Be Vector, Found 'NULL' Question: This is what I am receiving: error message ...
你好, Error using ==> svmtrain at 232 Y must be a vector or a character array。希望对你有所帮助,望采纳,谢谢