the Earth is hot at the Equator and cold at the Poles. Another important discussion between the two scientist was on the propagation of heat and rays of Sun. Al-Biruni’s opinion was that that light and heat are immaterial, and that the heat exists in the rays and it is inherent in ...
Verily! Allah does what He wills" (22:18); "The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein glorify Him and there is not a thing but 45 A GUIDE FOR THE NEW MUSLIM 1430 2009 relevant to the most knowledgeable scientist as well as the illiterate Bedouin. Allah says concerning ...
Islam did not have to be accommodated, and could remain essentially externalized from European societies—at least in the public realm. Once it became evident towards the end of the 20thcentury that large groups of Muslims were in Europe to stay, “the Muslim” rather than “the Turk,”“the...
Although Al-Murrakushi was not stricty speaking a Moroccan scholar, since his scientific career flourished in Egypt, his main contribution reflects the teaching and training he received in his native country. But Ibn al-Banna, a fully Moroccan scientist, was the leader of the most original ...
Mott, by that time, had become the leading name in global Protestant missions and Zwemer was eager make his contribution. Christian missionaries have long been critical to the production of knowledge about Islam on behalf of a Euro-American readership, who, with the expansion of imperial and ...