A third of all Muslims in the UK are under 15, while just four per cent are over 65. However, the report notes that though the numbers have risen, fewer than one in 20 of the UK's overall population follow Islam. "Demographic alarmism is scaremongering," it warns. There ...
Authentic Information with Reference, Muslim Population in 2011 is 2.1 billion, which is greater than currently estimated 1.7 billion, Muslim population Growth rate is 1.8
12.Communities that are so big that they number hundreds of million, are so easily termed ‘backward’. This sort of crass generalization, ignoring the regional differences [the regions too are huge, states that have population over 100 million and even 200 million — ranging from Maharashtr...
This graph shows the perception of necessity of more action on the side of Muslim community in the United Kingdom (UK) in response to threat of Islamic extremism.
Majority of the population is/are Muslim (Collective nouns)- English Only forum might as well be a Muslim < to/ for> many people- English Only forum Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs. ..- English Only forum Moslem or Muslim?- English Only forum ...
seeing it as a mirror of that population's ongoing trends. The more Islamization there is, the harder it is to turn the Muslim communities into an integral part of British society. Leaving the Muslim population in its own cultural bubble may create violent friction between those closed enclaves...
Assuming patterns of net immigration do not change significantly, the Pew Forum thinks that there will be just over 5.5 million British Muslims, representing 8.2 per cent of the UK population, by 2030. None of this is an exact science, andsome demographerssay total fertility rate overestimates ...
Europe’s Muslim population is set to multiply even if migration comes to a complete halt, a new study has found. Meanwhile, high migration could result in around 75 million Muslims living in the EU, Norway, and Switzerland by 2050.
1, No. 2, June 2010 ISSN:2010-0264 Muslim Population in Europe: 1950 – 2020 Houssain Kettani Abstract—The purpose of this manuscript is to present a reliable estimate of the Muslim population and its percentage in each country in Europe from 1950 till 2020. This data is summarized to be...
ManyMuslim namesrank among popular names USA, but they are more common in the UK, where there is a larger Muslim population proportionately. Thetop Muslim names in Englandare Layla for girls and Muhammad for boys. Along with Layla, otherMuslim girl names in the US Top 1000include Aaliyah, ...