which entails handing over the controls to a national governmental body that will be less prone to listen to the Islamic wishes of the city's Muslim population. Britain"s
Data showed that three quarters of the sample group agreed that Muslim communities should do more in combating the threat of Islamic extremism. British population agreement with statement that Muslim communities need to do more in response to the threat of Islamic extremism in the...
France is home to roughly 5.7 million Muslims and the largest Muslim population in Europe. As of 2019, 31 percent of French Muslim women were wearing hijab, so this sports ban will have a profound impact on many women. Yet again, French lawmakers have chosen to continue on a dangerous coll...
the study authors found. Only five percent of Muslims were jobless, compared to seven percent of the non-Muslim population. German Muslims thus came second in the study's country comparison for unemployment differentials, just behind Britain (Muslims and non-Muslims both four percent...
The 2011 British census maps this economic deprivation, finding that “46% (1.22 million) of the Muslim population resides in the 10% most deprived, and only 1.7% (46,000) in the 10% least deprived local authority districts in England, based on the Index of Multiple Deprivation measure” ...
DESPITE NOT HAVING Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok or Twitter, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ has a quarter of the world’s population or 1.9 billion followers. It reminded me of the last ayah from surah al-Kawthar. إِنَّ شَانِئَكَ هُوَ ٱل...
The increasing prosperity of Granada under Almohad rule made it, by about 1200, the fifth largest city in Spain, with a population of Arab, Spanish, and Berber Muslims, Spanish Christians, and Jews living in separate quarters.[42] Ibn Sa’îd, a thirteenth-century writer from Alcalá la ...
In spite of Mubarak’s persecution of the Ikhwan, they have steadily gained power politically and socially across Egypt, making hay with Mubarak’s poor economical policies, until currently at least 20% of the population identify themselves directly with the MB. That’s over 16 million people…...
Children of Muslim heritage come into care because their biological families have been unable to care for them. Reflecting trends in the wider looked-after children population in Britain, the vast majority have been taken into care due to various forms of breakdown within their biological families....
Indonesia, a multi-island nation of some 230 million people, has the world’s largest Muslim population. According to the country’s 2000 census, 86.1 percent of Indonesians are Muslims. “The mob invaded the lobby of the hotel [named the Oval] and would not leave unless the police and ...