1.alsoMos·lem(mŏz′ləm, mŏs′-)A believer in or adherent of Islam. 2.A member of the Nation of Islam; a Black Muslim. [Arabicmuslim,one who surrenders, active participle of'aslama,to surrender; seeIslam.] Mus′limadj. ...
Muslims acrossIndonesia,theworld'smost populousMuslimnation,marked theendof thefastingmonthof RamadanonThursday. 印尼,全球穆斯林人数最多的国家,于周四结束斋戒月。 mailftp.lihpao.com 4. Bothdiplomatsalsospokeabouttheirnations'commitmentstoreligioustolerance.Indonesiaistheworld'smostpopulousMuslimnation. ...
100 YEARS OF THE CALIPH’S HISTORIC VISIT TO THE UK 29 October 2024 Press Statement Regarding the Situation in Southport 8 August 2024 Global Muslim Leader Calls For Ceasefire In Gaza And Ukraine, Says Privileged Nations Are Wielding Their Veto ‘Like A Trump Card’ ...
To Imitate Other Nations The Muslims have no need to imitate any of the other nations in matters of religious rituals and acts of worship, for Allah has perfected His Religion and completed His Favour, and chosen for us Islam as our religion, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):…...
Not the Epstein island culprits, but brings other and old issues in other countries to raise fingers, intervene in other nations and subtly demonize entire groups, races and communities. Intervening in Germany, UK, hate against Africans, blacks, browns, Islamophobia, all is simple. Certain power...
to return from a Muslim country where I had the opportunity to learn something about the previous generations. We have so many beautiful Muslim countries that we can visit and not only do we meet the local community and support local businesses but also enjoy the hospitality of those nations....
During a phone conversation, Raisi voiced frustration with the failure of the global community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, to address the situation in Gaza effectively. Raisi emphasized the urgent need for concerted efforts, especially within the Muslim world, to end the crisis...
UNRWA faces heightened challenges in Palestinian refugee needs By Ray Hanania Philippe Lazzarini, the Commissioner -General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), told the UN General Assembly Monday the agency is being falsely accused of committing “a breach of the (UN) Charter ...
A couple from the UK have married in traditional Muslim attire in what could be the UK's first same-sex marriage involving a Muslim person.
Yet, other large Muslim majority nations in the region continue to deal with systemic issues. IRAQ In July 2022, Iraq marked a record 290 days without a government. Following elections in October 2021 no president or prime minister has so far been chosen. With no new government agreed, the ...