It's true that in recent years population growth in EU countries has been primarily driven byimmigration, which, for example, accounted for almost 85% of the population growth in EU countries in 2005. However, that statistic includesallimmigrants to EU countries, not just Muslims. Advertisement:...
Thus, the average annual few hundreds or about 0.01% in 1950, to 16,000 or 0.32% in growth rate of the Muslim population in the UK between 1971, to 100,000 or 1.9% in 1991, to 106,000 or 2% in 2001, 2004 and 2008 was 6.68%, which is ten times the rate of to 210,000 or ...
These changes may lead to a higher utilization of healthcare resources; one US health system reported a higher emergency department utilization among Muslims compared to non-Muslims during Ramadan, which may indicate an increased rate of acute problems.[84]. Patient-centered planning that is ...
Eberstadt’s first paper was expressively titled “Fertility Decline in the Muslim World: A Veritable Sea-Change, Still Curiously Unnoticed.” Using data for 49 Muslim-majority countries and territories, he found that fertility rates declined an average of 41 percent between 1975-80 and 2005-10,...
In some ways, our argument resonates with Jacques Derrida's (2004, 2005) notion of democracy in that we are concerned more with its potentiality than its bare actuality. One of the great achievements of the anti-colonial struggle in many parts of the world, including India, was the ...
It is also projected that the halal market will cross US$80 billion a year worldwide and the growth rate predicted by the halal food industry is 7 percent annually [6]. The growth of halal industry is not only found in Muslim countries. The increased of Muslim populations in non-Muslim ...
June 28, 2005 by Deroy Murdock This weekend’s Gay Pride festivities in New York City climaxed with Sunday’s 36th annual parade down Fifth Avenue. As usual, the raucous affair thrilled some and rattled others, but everyone walked away intact. ...
"The Muslim growth rate, since 1989, is between 40 and 50 percent, depending on ethnic groups," he said. "Most of that is in the Caucuses or from immigration from Central Asia or Azerbaijan." Man prays in a Moscow mosque (2005 file photo) ...
Of all population growth in Europe since 1990, 90% has been Islamic immigration. It's true that in recent years population growth in EU countries has been primarily driven byimmigration, which, for example, accounted for almost 85% of the population growth in EU countries in 2005. However, ...
A divine-human relationship could never be a relationship between peers, it may deepen over time; however, growth and maturity will only be applicable to the human dimension of the relationship. An all-powerful, personal God is also seen as the source of life and our very being, as one ...