God Love You Brother Nathanael Pat P.S. A World Class Chess player too. Hoff December 16, 2015 @ 9:29 pm Some good news LAKEWOOD, N.J. – Some residents of a Jewish enclave in New Jersey are upset that officials removed a menorah from the town square and kept the Christmas tree...
because of His great love with which He loved us, when we were dead in our sins, He gave us life with Messiah [Christ], and by His favor, He saved us…..For by His favor we were SAVED BY FAITH, and this was NOT OF YOURSELVES but is the gift of God, NOT OF WORKS, lest any...
Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of God aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than)an apostle of God, and His Word,which He bestowed on Mary,and a spirit proceeding from Him:so believe in God and His apostles. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it ...
In his basic theological insight, Iqbal presents God as the Ultimate Ego (equally, Self, or Consciousness) whose incessant creative activity issues forth individual egos or selves, carrying different intensities of consciousness from the minutest of subatomic particles and quanta to human self-...