Please spare the histrionics for someone who cares. I lived in the Middle East was married to a muslim arab. "You" cannot tell me anything about arabs, muslims, the politics, religion. We had two imams in his family! I taught Comparative Religion and Took my degrees in Theology. So I ...
It is clearly not the scarf itself, but rather the female Muslim body that is here “at issue”—“the body and its forces, their utility and their docility” (Foucault1995p. 25). The male Muslim body is also “at issue,” in similar (fragmented by focusing on such markers as “the ...
Second, the cartoon incident belongs at the very center of the kind of debate that Muslims must have in the European countries where they live - particularly after the Madrid train bombings of 2003 and the London subway bombings of 2005. While right-wing anti-immigration groups whip up Islamoph...
A Million Muslim March against all violence in the name of Islam would restore Islam to the great world religion it has been and can be again. A religion that establishes the unity of all of God’s children. A religion that establishes the oneness of the human family. A religion that pro...
Cartoon Character of the Muslim Prophet Dear Editors, I happen to be a directed descendent of Prophet MohammedÂ’s family, I was appalled and very very angry and in a state of utter shock and stunned, I come from well off and educated Family and do we condemn extremism that are carried...
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“But it didn’t happen. I just don’t know why that didn’t happen, because people had called me and said they’d shot the show, and I guess it just never came out. They shot an episode of the show. John’s an interesting kid. His family’s from Africa, and I could see the...
"And I just felt like, you know, where am I supposed to go? This is, you know, where I was born, this is where I've always been, this is where my family is," Church told the TV station. 20. Muslim sixth-grader attacked in public school in New York ...