However Black American Muslim foundations go back further, with memories of African Muslims enslaved in the America, even predating the formation of the United States. There are also Sunni communities dating back to the 60s, such as Dar al-Islam movement. Some communities have origins much earlie...
Optical Microscopy of Historical Pigments; Elsevier-Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford, UK, 2004. [Google Scholar] Feller, R.L. (Ed.) Artists’ Pigments. A Handbook of Their History and Characteristics; Archetype Publications: London, UK, 1986; Volume 1. [Google Scholar] Roy, A. (Ed.) Artists’...
Jonta Saragih a former LGBT activist from Sumatra, now studying in the UK, said while his family weren’t quick to accept him when he came out, Indonesians used to have a live and let live attitude to their country’s LGBT population. “[Even] a few years ago, when I was in Jakar...