What do we, as human beings—religious, non-religious, Muslim and non-Muslim—care about, and how do experiences of caring and being cared for co
The Muslim Community Center Clinic: a Maryland safety net clinic, achievements and challenges J Islamic Medical Association of North America, 42 (3) (2010), p. 117 Google Scholar [37] E.A. Samuels, L. Orr, E.B. White, et al. Health care utilization before and after the “Muslim Ban...
she returned to Somalia and opened a free medical clinic to serve rural women on her family’s own land. When war broke out in Somalia in the nineties,
A new video released today by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India shows several of its vegan Muslim supporters celebrating Eid by having goats fordawat– not as the main course but as the guests of honour. They prepared a beautiful spread of fresh fruits and vegetables f...