该函数会调用components\fs\vfs\los_fs.c中的函数LOS_FsMount,后文会专门讲解FS VFS。 intmount(constchar*source,constchar*target,constchar*filesystemtype, unsignedlongmountflags,constvoid*data) {returnLOS_FsMount(source, target, filesystemtype, mountflags, data); } 1.2 函数umount和umount2 函数umou...
At some point in the past, PBS decided to build musl-based Python distributions with musl 1.2.5. This version added support for thepreadv2/pwritev2syscalls, and the source code of Python actually uses these syscalls inModules/posixmodule.c(protected by an#ifdefguard). PyOxidizer produces execut...
@aklomp, by the way, you should consider displaying the version so that we don't have to guess, redownload and recompile the source code. Yes, I have the latest version (0.5.2). And I suspect that issue is related to handling CRLF. Sign up for free to join this conversation on Git...
source_set("soft_musl_src_strncpy") { sources = [] sources += [ "third_party/openbsd/lib/libc/string/strncpy.c" ] configs -= musl_inherited_configs configs += [ "//build/config/components/musl:soft_musl_config", ":gwp_asan_config_shared", ] cflags = [ "-O2", "...
fi # Determine if the compiler produces position-independent code (PIC) # by default. If so, we don't need to compile separate object files # for libc.a and libc.so.if trycppif __PIC__ "$CFLAGS_C99FSE $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS" ; then ...
source_set("${abi_prefix}_musl_src_nossp") { sources = [] sources_orig = [ "src/string/mempcpy.c", "src/string/memset.c", "src/env/__init_tls.c", "src/env/__libc_start_main.c", "src/env/__stack_chk_fail.c", ] if (musl_arch == "arm") { sources_or...
__libc_start_call_main // https://elixir.bootlin.com/glibc/glibc-2.35.9000/source/sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h#L23_Noreturnstaticvoid__libc_start_call_main (int(*main) (int,char**,char** MAIN_AUXVEC_DECL),intargc,char**argv#ifdef LIBC_START_MAIN_AUXVEC_ARG, ElfW(auxv_t...
source_set("soft_musl_src_strncpy") { sources = [] sources += [ "third_party/openbsd/lib/libc/string/strncpy.c" ] configs -= musl_inherited_configs configs += [ "//build/config/components/musl:soft_musl_config", ":gwp_asan_config_shared", ] cflags = [ "-O2", "...
1.3.0•Public• Published11 days ago Valkey GLIDE Valkey General Language Independent Driver for the Enterprise (GLIDE), is an open-source Valkey client library. Valkey GLIDE is one of the official client libraries for Valkey, and it supports all Valkey commands. Valkey GLIDE supports ...