At necropsy, a mature muskox cow was found to have exceedingly low serum and liver copper concentrations of 4.8 = mumol/L and 0.02 mmol/kg, respectively. Serum copper levels were also low in remaining members of the herd but returned to normal after parenteral treatment with calcium copper ed...
EuropeThis paper summarizes 29 years of veterinary experience maintaining a herd of muskoxen at the Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde, Berlin, Germany. The transplanted muskoxen acclimated to the zoo enviroment without fatalities. However, a few striking changes were seen. They exhibit a high sensitivity...
Since 1981 a domesticated muskoxen herd had been successfully vaccinated against papillomatosis with homogenated, glutaraldehyde inactivated papilloma tissue. In the fall of 1985 a new clinical outbreak of disease occurred, affecting previously infected as well as vaccinated animals. The purification of ...
muskoxen crossed into North America from Siberia. When the last glacier covered North America, muskoxen survived in ice-free areas or “glacial refugia” in the northern arctic islands and Greenland. As the ice retreated, they spread throughout northern Canada and Green...
muskoxenLARSAlaskaherd compositionrate of increasecalf productionyearling recruitmentsex ratiomortalityThe muskox colony at the Large Animal Research Station, started in 1979, totaled 22 individuals before calving in 1988. Between 1988 -1994 cows of breeding age have been maintained on either a high ...
protecting the most vulnerable within the center. males may occasionally break ranks to charge the threatening animal. whether berger successfully convinced the herd that he was a polar bear, he did manage to freak them out enough to witness this behavior first hand. this isn’t the fi...
We explore the evidence required for decisions about harvesting of a community﹎anaged muskox herd in Greenland, and the collaboration needed to acquire this evidence. We present the development, application, and outcome of a user‐friendly demographic model—a harvest calculator—and we show how ...
Female fecundity, neonatal mortality and the impact of contagious ecthyma on a captive herd of muskoxendoi:10.7557/ NJWolff PLBjork CL
Female fecundity, neonatal mortality and the impact of contagious ecthyma on a captive herd of muskoxen jourlib.orgdoi:10.7557/ N.JWolff P.LBjork C.LSwedish University of Agricultural SciencesRangiferReindl, N.J., Wolf, P.L. & Bjork, C.L. 1993. Female fecundity, neonatal...
However, these caribou represent only a small portion of the Dolphin-Union herd. The population estimate of 11 442 ± 1637 (95% CI) adult muskoxen is not significantly different than the 2005 estimate of 12 062 ± 2156 (P < 0.05).Davison...