," "Funny Girl" and "West Side Story" did not win Best Musical, the film versions did win Oscars for Best Picture. This would suggest that somehow Hollywood improved on the stage version, and in the case of these particular titles, many would agree. On the other hand, improving on the...
Redheadis a show that, despite its Tony win, feels like it barely left a mark. Set in Edwardian London, the musical revolves around Essie Whimple, a young woman embroiled in a murder mystery – a plot that sounds like it should be more engaging than it is. Without diving into spoiler t...
"It came out of thinking, 'what is the song that would be the most torture for [Josh] to have to sit through?' It just had to be a song about the most banal subject ever." Paul drew inspiration from songs like The Music Man's "Shipoopi" and Carousel's "A Real Nice Clambake" ...