The musical consists of March of the Falsettos and Falsettoland, the last two in a trio of one-act Off-Broadway plays. The story involves Marvin, his ex-wife Trina, his psychiatrist Mendel, his son Jason, and his gay lover Whizzer Brown. The musical premiered on Broa...
The musical consists of March of the Falsettos and Falsettoland, the last two in a trio of one-act Off-Broadway plays. The story involves Marvin, his ex-wife Trina, his psychiatrist Mendel, his son Jason, and his gay lover Whizzer Brown. The musical premiered on Broad...
From the offthe show contains some toe-tapping musical numbers that are filled with sly humourand performed with gusto. This is very much an ensemble piece; each song is impeccably performed and each actor plays their part with gloriously wild characterisations that support the production as a w...
a今天,我和我的朋友小刚、莉莉、小康去野餐,我煮饭小刚炒菜,小康搬水,莉莉在一旁玩风筝,虽然我们煮的饭不是很好吃,但是我们也很开心 Today, I and the friend of mine small just, Lily, well-off went to the picnic, I cooked a meal slightly just cook, moved the water well-off, Lily plays the...
The result is that Butterworth—who puts plays together like machines, calibrated for passion or pathos at the pull of a certain lever—has less to hide behind. The sheer exuberant maximalism of The Ferryman went a long way toward obscuring, even at times absolving, the show’s overdependence...
and more; and Christopher Finn, who plays feathered narrator Gregory Peck with the razzmatazz of a circus ringmaster. For the first time since the pandemic, the chorus is made up of children who attend the Creation Theatre’s theatre clubs or holiday drama workshops. All the cast are ...
Kelly and Donen attempt to goose the onscreen excitement with crowds of thrilled spectators, but it plays like a needless reprise. (Dan Dailey's feature in the film – "Situation-Wise", an anarchic parody of ad speak and business jargon – is also fantastic, but just as obviously an echo...
makes it for me is the ability to stand on a stage and tell a story that can reach and affect hundreds of people you don’t know, and for those three hours or so everyone can escape the troubles of their own life and can lose themselves in the story. For me, that’s the real ...
cast for me. Her transformation from nervous geek to checkerboard chick doesn’t have enough of an arc. Some of this is due to Bynes’s performance, but the fact that she had less material to make her character work successfully than she could or should have had plays a part in this ...
Plays 124 (a)Drag-and-dropfrom the right to the left, or (b)clickon a right side answer box and then on a left side box to move it. QuestionsChoices 1.Sister Robert Anne Poor Jerusalem 2.Cathy Hiatt The Winner Takes It All