The show premiered October 1998 at the King Cat Theater in Seattle. Comment: Man, can this lady sing, with both voice and music sounding like Tina Turner. She's written some top notch songs. The songs tend to sound a little the same after a while, however, and one wonders how well ...
C ODES AND C ONVENTIONS OF F ILM M USICALS Introduction to American Film, JC Clapp, North Seattle College. Advertisements AUDITION SONGS. Tradtitional Musical Theater GIRLS As Long As He Needs Me, Oliver Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again, Phantom I’m In Love With A Wonderful. Jane F...
Parking: When I don’t walk to the theatre or park on the street, I park in the paid garage at the Motif Hotel northwest of the theatre. The entrance is on 5th Ave. Do NOT park in the APA Coast Seattle Downtown Hotel garage (entrance on 6th Ave). That’s where most of the audi...