Alex says of the songs origins,“I played the demo for Thibaut ( Breakbot) one night at Bernie’s Restaurant while we were outside on a smoke break (back when, you know… people still ate dinner out) and on the spot he demanded we go try it on the audience at his gig that night....
Gistly Save time on long videos, get instant insights with AI. 月收入:200 Gistly帮助您从YouTube视频中提取关键点和核心思想。停止浪费时间观看冗长的内容。Gistly浏览器扩展能够在几秒钟内为您提供任何视频的精华内容,并附有AI智能驱动的辅助功能。
Admissions to Humanities and Social Science PhD Programs Suspended at Boston University Penn State Wins Industry-Shaping Trademark Trial Over Logo Use You May Also Like 8 hrs ago K-Way, Permira Confirm New Brand CEO 4 hrs ago 49 mins ago...
Today marks the release of Santigold’s third album,99¢.She has revealed an innovative new video for “Can’t Get Enough Of Myself (feat. B.C.)” that uses the camera of the viewer’s computer or mobile device to incorporate them into the video in real time. This is the first ti...
Evynne has her own YouTube channel, posting music videos, occasionally collaborating with her husband. Evynne kendi YouTube kanalında müzik videolar ve bazen de eşiyle birlikte kaydettikleri videoları yayınlamaktadır. WikiMatrix Should we put on some music or something? Bi...
About “Cómo,” singer and subject of the video Laura Patiño explains,“[the video] was inspired by my long time love for Jane Fonda-esque aerobics videos, absurdist artists like Eric Andre, and what we call ‘digital-punk’ style video editing; born from Youtube culture and the cyber...
The app changed its practices in 2017 to officially ban kids under 13 from joining, but it wasn't hard to find children as young as 8 or 9 sharing short videos of themselves on the platform. "Just because you say it's intended for over-13 doesn't mean that it is," said Andrew Smi...
You can simply share the videos and photos on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, Vine, Twitter, WhatsApp, snapchat and other social services. Funimate Musically Video is a FREE non online app to make movies or a simple movie with music or mp3 tracks.+You can add your favorite music to your...
“Through the App, Defendants collected personal information as defined in the COPPA Rule, including first and last name; online contact information; the content of direct messages between users; photos and videos containing a child’s image and voice, and, for some peri...
“Hey Now” – out now on Big Beat Records – is the first of several collaborations Solveig has lined up for 2013, as he takes a more experimental approach to making and delivering the music and videos he is oh so famous for. Smattered with that Solveig pop frivolity and fun factor ...